Hatcham Temple Grove School is a primary school for 420 pupils plus an additional 55 nursery places, within the Haberdashers' Aske's Federation. The project involved the reinstatement, refurbishment and extension of the school following a fire which badly damaged the original Victorian building in 2010. The plans by architects Jestico + Whiles create formal teaching spaces within the Victorian shell to a high modern standard, as well as varied informal teaching areas for the pupils distributed around the building. A new assembly hall large enough for whole school events has been carved out of the existing building.
Due to the arrangement of the open central stair, a fire strategy was developed to include a horizontal evacuation approach. This allowed for the use of class rooms adjacent to the escape stairs as places of refuge for holding classes full of children before they are guided safely out of the building.
Client: Haberdashers' Aske Federation
Architect: Jestico + Whiles
Project Date/s: 2012
Project Value: £5.5M